Redefining the Bulacan Abode

This is my second major plate in the subject Architectural Design 1, where in we were tasked to to create a design for the most ideal dwelling for a typical Bulakenyo family, a resilient abode that shelters a family from the threats of disasters, as a way of demonstrating sensitivity to the context. It isContinue reading “Redefining the Bulacan Abode”

Design Translations using Scale

This is my first activity plate in the subject Architectural Design 1, wherein we were tasked to draw, design, as well as scale some of the different components and furniture needed in a home. For my design, I kept in mind the whole structure and their placing in each room if it were in aContinue reading “Design Translations using Scale”

Architecture as Universal Form of Habitation

This is my diagnostic plate for the subject Architectural Design for this second semester in BS-Architecture. We were tasked to draw and design a shelter or home for our furry pets. Unfortunately, I don’t have my own pet so I have to just choose one dog or cat. I chose a Bichon Frise because itContinue reading “Architecture as Universal Form of Habitation”

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