Plate 7: Entourage and Glass Architecture

This is my 7th plate in the subject Visual Techniques 1, wherein we where asked to draw a glass structure or building using pen & ink, and gray markers. Additionally, we were asked to put an entourage on the building to show ow the building would look like if it is inhabited by people. I chose this building to draw because it was very modern and I like modern structures. Similarly, this building is geometric and asymmetrical at the same time. With that, I also chose this because I like any symmetry and asymmetry in any structure because for me it creates a visual pleasure. Also, for me this feature makes it perfectly imperfectly. This was yet another fun work for me. Also, with this, I was able to practice using the gray markers and blend them more well compared to my plate 6. Unfortunately, my cool gray 1 run out of ink so the buildings on the right and left side were lightly colored. Along with all of that, this was a great experience as I build an arki. ’til next time, byeee.

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