Plate 6: Architectural Interiors

This is my 6th plate in the subject Visual Techniques 1, wherein we were tasked to select a particular place in our own homes and transform that place by changing its interior design. In this drawing, I made sure that the furniture are elevated or have some space below them, because my mom loves cleaning. When she’s cleaning, she wants to be able to reach every nook and cranny so they will be thoroughly cleaned. Similarly, I added bean bags, pillows, and a soft, furry carpet for the reason that I love soft things and these things are very comfortable. I also based the design on some modern styles cos’ I want it to look cool and relaxed but also chic and stylish at the same time. This was a fun and enjoyable experience since it’s my first time to use alcohol-based markers. With that, you can see how inexperienced I was in using these markers by the visible stokes on my work. Hopefully, I would be able to master them in the near future. Lastly, it was yet another lesson in building an arki. ’til next time, byeee.

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